Questions and answers
We are asked frequently the following questions in connection with keyboards:
The answers should help you to get some first information at any time, but please do not hesitate to ask us directly for further or supplementary information. We are looking forward to the dialogue with you!
When there is an info-button behind a question, one click leads to detailed information or a PDF file.
1. Which file formats can you process or how should the provided data look like? -> answer
2. What do I have to consider, when I want to use a stainless steel keyboard in the outdoor area?
-> answer
3. Do you offer keyboards with mouse replacement systems? And what do TB1, TB2, TB38, TB50... mean in this connection?
-> answer
4. You offer various industrial-suited mouse replacement systems. What are the differences?
-> answer
5. Your competition offers us foil keyboards, front panels, decor foils, enclosure processings... without one-off costs. Why are the one-off costs listed separately in your offer?
-> answer
6. Are there experience values with the compatibility of your keyboards?
-> answer
7. Can you deliver us also evaluation electronics (controller, interfaces...)? -> answer
8. What does "protection class IP54 or IP68" mean?
-> answer